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Our Business Is You!

If you want to lose weight, improve your health, increase your energy or simply look your best, Herbalife can help you achieve your goals. But what if you want to earn some extra money, be your own boss, enjoy a flexible schedule or travel around the world? Herbalife can help you do that, too.

Earn a little "extra" money each month or increase your annual income to over six figures, with Herbalife’s business opportunity you decide!

The people featured in this section decided to go with a winner – Herbalife. And now look at them! They are taking charge of their own lives and enjoying the rewards that come with it. You, too, can turn your dreams into reality through Herbalife’s generous marketing plan. What are you waiting for? Start your future with Herbalife today

"Herbalife products changed my life!"

That's what millions of excited people have said about their life-changing success using Herbalife products!

From simplified nutrition to weight management and naturally enhanced beauty, Herbalife products can change your life, too. Read about some of the results here with these inspiring, healthy success stories!*

Testimonial No 1 - Cecilia Loh
Testimonial No 2 - Anya Gangulee
Testimonial No 3 - Aaron Williams

* The weight-loss testimonials presented are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical.

Cecilia Loh

You too can help others and feel good about what you do.

"From XXL To S"

For many years, I had tried different weight loss programmes and
slimming supplements to no avail. Weighing at 65.5 kg, I frequently
felt tired, perspired easily and suffered from knee pain. Additionally,
the slimming supplements I consumed had left me with several
health problems.

Weight loss was far from my mind when I started using Herbalife.
Instead, it was the cleansing and regenerative benefits of Herbalife
products that initially attracted me. Amazingly, after a mere 5
months on Herbalife products, I had lost 12.5 kg. In 9 months, I
have lost 15.5 kg and my clothes have gone down from size XXL
to a S dress size! I feel healthier, more confident and more beautiful
than ever before!

Lost: 15.5 kg!

Cecilia Loh before

A totally new Cecilia Loh


"Herbalife products changed my life!"

Accepting a flyer from a woman on a street was the start of a transformational experience for diminutive Sukanya Gangulee, and she couldn't be happier.

"I am only 152 cms tall," explained Sukanya. "Before Herbalife I weighed 81 kilos and was asthmatic for 11 years. I also suffered from a lingering knee injury and had acute pimples and pimple-scars on my oily skin. On top of that, I had no vitality or stamina at all."

"After reading the flyer I called Chris De Bruyne the same day. Being from India, I have a great respect for the effect that herbs have on the human body. For me, I would do anything to change the way I was."

"After the first month and a half I had lost 7 kilos and had stopped taking sick leave. My confidence and productivity improved. After my third month I had lost a total of 13 kilos and decreased the use of my puffer!"

"I now have a fairer, smoother skin and even look different, having lost a total of 58.5 cm, one dress size and two trouser sizes. All my friends and relatives are astonished at the change in me. When I went home to India my parents and uncle did not recognise the new me. The change is so dramatic my Dad thought it was a strange girl waving at him at the airport!"

"The best thing is that I can now walk for more than 30 minutes at a time, which was impossible before with my knee injury. I believe Herbalife is the best thing to happen to man-kind. The world can be a healthier place with Herbalife."

Before : 81kg
After : 63kg
Lost : 18kg


* The weight-loss testimonials presented are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical.

Aaron Williams

"I look and feel the best I have in my whole life!"

Being underweight, chronically tired and rundown was the general condition that Aaron Williams had come to expect. "No matter what I did I could not gain weight," explained Aaron. All I felt like doing every day after work was
watching TV and falling asleep. I had no motivation!"

"My partner, Kate, found Herbalife while investigating a business opportunity and we found that you could use Herbalife products to gain weight as well as lose weight. Kate instructed me on how to use the products. Initially my first goal was to build up my stamina and just feel more alive then slowly work on the weight gain."

"I started using the products in January 2005, taking Formula 1 and Protein
Powder in soy milk three times daily, along with the Sport Programme. Because I needed to gain weight I was instructed to have three shakes a day— one after each meal. Within two days I felt like a different
person. No longer did I want to sleep after work and I found I had vitality and stamina to burn."

"I have gained 13 kg and 25 cm of muscle mass, from January to March. Being on this programme has also educated me to make better food choices. I used to think that it was necessary to eat mainly high fat, high calorie and high carb foods if you wanted to gain weight. How wrong I was!"
"Herbalife is the vehicle for us to make all our dreams and desires come true. And I will be using these products for life!"

Before : 58kg
After : 71kg
Gain : 13kg


* The weight-loss testimonials presented are applicable to the individuals depicted and are not a guarantee of your weight loss nor are they typical.